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Business Management & Finance Certificate

Business Management & Finance Certificate

The Certificate in Business Management & Finance
will enable you to assess the value of strategic decisions by providing a broader understanding of finance and the interaction between business and financial strategies. You will learn the key functions at the heart of any organization to make better decisions and accelerate growth as a leader. Through this certificate, you'll gain a strong foundational understanding of business that can be immediately applied to work, whether you're just starting out, already established, or transitioning to a new career.

To complete the program, participants must earn 16 credits as outlined below. The certificate must be earned within 12 months of attending your first course. Participants must also pass an exam to show competency in the domain.

Interest Form
Please fill out this form to indicate that you are beginning a certificate program with DISCUS Academy.

Certificate Tracker
Use this tracker to track your progress through the certificate program. Upon completion of the program, you will be asked to upload the tracker to verify completion of required courses.

Intermediate/Advanced Core Courses - (10 credits) Intermediate core courses offer the opportunity to deepen your understanding of industry best practices. Advanced core courses build upon knowledge gained, allowing participants to apply this knowledge to more complex concepts and industry-specific issues. These courses are required to receive your certificate. The certificate exam will focus on content from these courses.

Responsibility – (1 credit) All participants are required to take one Responsiblity course.

Electives – (5 credits) The remaining 5 required credits can be achieved through Elective courses. Electives allow participants to take a deeper dive into areas of interest, giving you the flexibility to specialize in topics relevant to your career.

Intermediate/Advanced Core Courses (All Required)
Building Supply Chain Relationships
Cost Accounting
Employee Contracts & Rights
Flowing Work through TTB
Advanced HR & Compliance (Advanced) (coming soon!)
Budgeting & Forecasting, Strategic Year-end Financial Decision Making (Advanced)
How to Self Audit (OSHA & TTB) (Advanced) (coming soon!)
Management Process (Advanced)

Accounting Software Options and Selections
Business Management Software
Capital Expenditures
Cocktails to Go Webinar Part 1 - FREE
Cocktails to Go Webinar Part 2 - FREE
Distributor Selection
Entering a New Market
Entry & Exit Strategies
Getting a Distilled Spirits Plant (DSP)
How to Build a Local Marketing Fund
International Webinar Series: Regulations & Taxes
Maximizing Distributor Relations
Organizational Structure, Job Descriptions & Compensation
Policies and Procedures
Privacy, Data & Consumer Protection
Recordkeeping (OSHA, TTB Compliance, Worker's Compensation)
Retail Collection of Revenue
Social Media Do's & Don'ts
Where to Hire Consultants and When to keep Work In-House

Alcohol Responsibility - FREE
Mindful Mixology - FREE
Underage Drinking Prevention - FREE
U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Alcohol: What You Need to Know to Promote Responsible Consumption - FREE

Certificate Application Process
In order to earn a domain certificate, applicants must complete the following steps:
  1. Fill out the certificate form to indicate your interest in beginning the certificate program.
  2. Fulfill the domain course requirements as outlined above.
  3. Complete and submit the tracking form below. Your tracking sheet will be reviewed by DISCUS Academy staff to ensure all courses meet the requirements. Upon successful review, applicants will be eligible to take the domain exam.
  4. Take the domain exam and receive a score of 70% or higher. Exam questions will be taken from Core Courses. In the event of a failure, students may retake the exam one week after the failure. A maximum of 2 retakes will be allowed.
  5. Certificates will be available to download immediately after the exam is passed.